Longarm Services

Special Offers

Ongoing Offers

All new customers receive 15% off their first order*!

You will receive 15% off your next quilt* for each referral! Let them know to put your name in the customer referral box on their submission form.

*Discounts only apply to Quilting and Binding services.

Photographs and Trimming are included at no additional charge with each quilt!


Charged per square inch. $50 minimum per order (For example, if you sent only a 42x42 baby quilt to be quilted, the minimum would be $50. But if you also included a queen-sized quilt, the cost of both is above the minimum so the minimum would not be charged on the smaller quilt).

Freehand Designs - $0.02 (Ex. 50 x 65 lap quilt - $65)

These designs are quilted freehand. Since this is completely freehand, the designs may not be perfect, but have a wonderful handmade feel. Designs include meander, swirls, swirl flowers, feathers, and more. Please see available options in the Freehand Gallery.

Hand-Guided Pantographs - $0.025 (Ex. 50 x 65 lap quilt - $81.25)

These designs are quilted with a hand-guided pantograph. They can be picked out specifically and are a repeated, consistent pattern. Please see available options in the Pantograph Gallery.


You may provide your own high-quality batting or purchase batting by the inch from me. Batting is cut to the exact length needed. Since the roll is 96” wide, there may be extra. Excess batting will be returned to you unless you note to donate it to the charity bin.

Hobbs 80/20 Cotton/Poly 96” wide - $9.50/yd

Hobbs 80/20 Cotton/Poly 120” wide - $11.50/yd

Hobbs 80/20 Wool/Poly 96” wide - $14.50/yd (my personal favorite)

Other batting types (100% wool, 100% cotton, etc.) available by request


$5 charge per quilt


Trimming is offered on all quilts free of charge. When you allow me to trim it off the longarm, your quilt is given back to you ready for binding! Note: This service does not square up your quilt. It trims the batting and backing to the edge of the existing quilt edges.

All extra backing will be returned to you unless you note to donate it to the charity bin.

Binding Services

Binding is charged per linear inch.

Binding Preparation - $0.05 (Ex. 50 x 65 lap quilt - $11.50)

You provide the fabric and I will create the binding, leaving it ready to attach to your quilt.

Attach Binding Only - $0.15 (Ex. 50 x 65 lap quilt - $34.50)

I will trim your quilt top and attach the binding to the front or back of your quilt.

Attach and Machine-Finish Binding- $0.30 (Ex. 50 x 65 lap quilt - $69)

I will trim your quilt top and attach the binding to the back and machine finish to the top.

Attach and Hand-Finish Binding - $0.50 (Ex. 50 x 65 lap quilt - $115)

I will trim your quilt top and attach the binding to the back and I will hand-stitch your binding to the front of your quilt.


Included with every order are 3 to 5 high-resolution digital photographs of your finished quilt. You can see examples of some of my photographs in my Gallery.

Drop-off, Pick-up, and Shipping

If you are local to Denton, Texas, I am currently offering free pickup and delivery within 25 miles.

I also accept mail-in quilts. I ship USPS Priority Mail and return shipping costs will be added to your invoice.

Additional Fees

Rush Service - $50

In a hurry? Rush service pushes your quilt to the top of the queue to be quilted ASAP.

Prepare Backing - $35

This includes piecing your yardage into a back, pressing, and trimming it square.

Preparation Charges - $25/hour

Additional fees may apply if the quilt top and backing provided are not suitably prepared to be quilted. I will contact you if this is the case. Please see the Preparing Your Quilt page for more information on how to properly prepare your quilt top and backing.


Ready to get started?